Whoa Mama

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Leah Needs.....

Type in your first name and the word “needs” into Google. Post the first 10 results.

1. Leah needs to shed the pounds and the sooner the better. (ouch!)

Sheboygan and Sheboygan Falls Wisconsin real estate listings

Leah Fraser Weblog - Wallasey Conservatives

4. Leah needs the final copies by July 8 in order to get them bound and distributedon time.

5. Call Leah and Victor today to discuss all of your real estate needs! (Leah seems to be quite the real estate maven)

6. Leah Needs Love Awww glad youse liek it!! Sorreh its solate ive only (Apparently she also needs typing lessons)

Amazon.com: Autumn World: Books: Joan Marie Verba,Tess Meara ...After discovering Leah, captive among the troops she decides that Leah needsrescuing from them.

8. Leah needs funding from the Senate Planning on a “senior program”

9. Leah needs to feel free to voice concerns/ask for proposals to be rephrased.

10. Leah needs lots of play, social time (now we're talking!!!)

I think this is where I call one of you out. I'd love to hear Bridget & Gina's takes on this one!


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