Whoa Mama

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Again this week, we got a lice alert from the boys school. These insidious little critters are simply not letting go of our sweet community. Thus far our blond heads are thankfully unbitten. Weekly checks generate as frequent notes in backpacks and mirror emails. For concerned parents, these information updates typically include tips to avoid infestation, some suggestion for how to talk to your children about the subject, and what to do if your child brings some friends home. [No problem: skip a few hair washings, lice like really clean hair, and we'll have a trio of Uncle Festers]

This week the PSI include pictures! Really?? Necessary??? The description is sufficient, I thought. And with very frequent checks, the odds are in favor of Nurse Dana spotting them over me. In any case, do I need to see this??

This got me thinking. If you are discerning enough to want to identify one bug from another, this might help.

While staying in a hotel in NYC, here's one you want to keep an eye out for:

Skip a month of Advantix and:

Step into New England or be my little Noah:

Pick up some pre-teen reading and watch out for :

Stumble into a pre-K playroom and this guy is sure to get you:

Now I am itchy as sin!


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