Whoa Mama

Thursday, September 08, 2005


OK - to get back to my blogging I'm responding to being called out or "memed" by Lisa. At least I think what I'm supposed to do is answer the same questions that she did when she memed me. Here goes:

Number of books I've owned
are you kidding me?!?!?!? Four years of college, three of graduate school and lived through the era of Oprah's book club.....too too too many books owned, way too many of them in hardcover.
Categories include:
1. Girl Fluff: e.g. Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing,
2. Management School musts: From the required Drucker drivel to Charles Derber (with whom I am on a first name basis and who is on a first name basis with Ralph Nader)
3. Yummy novels
4. Non-fiction stimulus: in an effort to prevent my under-stimulated Mommy brains from oozing out my ears.

Last book I bought:
Ibid, by Mark Dunn: strange little book about a three-legged man, written as footnotes (weird)

Last book I read:
Rules of the Wild, Francesca Marciano

Five books that mean a lot to me:
Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett

When We Were Very Young, AA Milne

A Short History of a Very Small Place, TR Pearson

Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton

The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury, ed. Janet Schulman


At 1:13 PM , Blogger Mike Garvey said...

look who's back!


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