Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The "Mamas" and the "Sistas" spent a blissful day at the spa. Miraculously we organized 10 women: my mom, my sister, my sister-in-law, her 2 sisters and mom, my sister in-law's sister and her sister and mom. We were only missing Bridget :-(
We lounged, sipped champage, lunched and were buffed, massaged and polished. More importantly, we had a fabulous day with the women we love!
Back into the hot tub for the second time, my mom and sister and I started sharing most embarrassing moments. good times! Bridget posted one recently about dismissing a chatty waiter. Mom and Gina both had funny, mildly embarrassing moments. I personally like the one when mom pinched the cheek of a family friend (who is not someone who strikes you as a target for such as action), in a mildly wine-warmed event. We chuckled about these for a while.
Enter the problem. Since spa day, I have been mentally cataloging my extensive list of foot-in-mouth, mildly offensive, or otherwise short-sighted comments. Not on purpose, but I'll be in the shower and spontaneously groan from a recalled moment of idiocy. I hate being embarrassed; I hate seeing people embarrass themselves (a la any Ben Stiller movie). I think I need to go into a 12-step program to relieve this haunted feeling of what a social liability I am. Specifically I need that step about going back and making things right with those who've been victimized by malfunctioning frontal lobe. The endnote here is: Befriend me at your own risk!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
one each?!?!
It was 32 degrees in the shade this morning. That's ok, we've all got three new winter coats and hats. Cute, poufy and most importantly very warm! They've got zip out liners, which also function as lighter coats. The twins have zip off hoods. All the extra zippers tuck away so they aren't bitey when exposed. Sam's has a hood that with an extra layer to keep it snug around his face. I grew up where, when it snows, it snows and snows!!! So I don't get to far into October without the right clothes. I was late this year, we are coastal now. I think the tags are still in the garbage can. But we were ready and it was cold this morning! And guess how many hats we were able to find this morning??
Dear Santa,
We'd like some back up hats & mittens.

Thursday, November 01, 2007
First, a little something healthy before rotting our teeth out in one night.

Poor Sammy is trying to do his homework (mean teacher) on Halloween night. Are C's really that important?!?!
Kan't konsentraattee on forming C's mmuuussst make fish face.

We're still. No sugar yet.

What do you mean we can't sword fight?!?!

Aidan, was marching around the house chanting, "halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween"
Noah would only speak in pirate for six hours. (i.e. gravelling mean voice)

Damn hook hand gets in the way of my bag.

OK, now we're ready. But Mommy made it blurry. (I told them to stop making pirate noises and smile for a pretty girl pirate)

Over accessorized with hooks, hoops, cutlasses and facial hair.